5 Digital Marketing Stats to Take from 2023

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The digital marketing landscape is constantly in flux, demanding adaptability and strategic thinking for success. As we begin 2024, let’s explore 5 key statistics that illuminate the importance of web, SEO, and paid search in your marketing strategy.

Beyond just data points these statistics offer valuable insights into user behavior. By grasping these trends, you can craft a targeted digital marketing strategy that resonates with your audience and drives results

60% of global website traffic now comes from mobile devices.

According to research by SimilarWeb, over 60% of global website traffic now comes from mobile devices.

With mobile dominating web traffic, a responsive website design is no longer optional. Your website should seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes, offering an optimal user experience for mobile visitors. This not only improves user engagement but also factors into search engine rankings.

Takeaways for 2024

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Consider using responsive design tools or conducting a mobile-friendliness test through Google Search Console.

53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic search.

Search still accounts for a whopping 40.9% of the global digital advertising and marketing market share Source: WordStream, 2024.

Organic search remains a dominant force, driving qualified traffic to websites. By optimising your website for relevant keywords and adhering to search engine best practices (SEO), you can increase your website’s visibility and attract potential customers actively searching for your offerings.

Takeaways for 2024

Invest in SEO strategies like keyword research, content optimisation, and backlink building to improve your organic ranking and attract free, targeted traffic.

61.4% of marketers have used AI in their marketing activities in 2023.

The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing activities signifies a transformative shift in the industry’s approach to leveraging technology. Major advancements in AI, such as the introduction of ChatGPT and Google’s launch of Bard (now Gemini), have expanded the possibilities for marketers to enhance their strategies.

According to a report by Influencer Marketing Hub in September 2023, 61.4% of marketers actively incorporated AI into their marketing activities. This statistic underscores a deliberate move towards harnessing AI’s capabilities to improve operational efficiency, refine targeting precision, and derive actionable insights from vast pools of data.

Takeaways for 2024

Incorporating AI into marketing strategies is no longer a novel experiment but a strategic imperative for staying competitive in the digital landscape. Marketers should explore AI-driven tools and platforms to streamline processes, personalise customer experiences, and drive measurable outcomes.

Whether it’s deploying chatbots for customer service, utilising AI-powered analytics for predictive modelling, or implementing machine learning algorithms for campaign optimisation, embracing AI tools can unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth. As AI continues to evolve, marketers must remain agile in adopting and adapting these technologies to meet evolving market demands and drive meaningful results for their marketing initiatives.

Google holds 91.7% of the global search engine market.

As of August 2023, Google maintained its unrivalled dominance in the global search engine market, commanding an overwhelming 91.7% share. This significant market share firmly establishes Google as the undisputed leader in online search, leaving competitors such as Bing (3.1%) and Yandex (1.5%) trailing far behind.

Despite the emergence of AI technologies and potential disruptions hinted at by Microsoft’s strategic investments in ChatGPT and integrations with CoPilot, Google’s dominance remained unyielding. The statistics underscore Google’s unparalleled reach and influence in shaping online search behaviour, reaffirming its status as the go-to platform for users worldwide.

Takeaways for 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, while the rise of AI and Microsoft’s integration of ChatGPT into Bing hinted at potential disruptions, Google’s unchallenged dominance suggests a continuation of its stronghold in the search engine market.

Competitors are expected to explore deeper integration of AI tools, mirroring the swift amalgamation witnessed with Bing and ChatGPT. However, Google’s vast resources, extensive data pool, and established user base present formidable barriers to entry for competitors seeking to challenge its dominance. As such, rivals may focus on carving out distinct niches or competitive advantages to differentiate their search engine offerings from Google’s unparalleled prowess.

Facebook still the most used social media platform.


In 2023, Facebook maintained its status as the most widely used social media platform, albeit with a marginal growth of only 1% from May 2022 to January 2023. Conversely, platforms like TikTok experienced a notable surge, boasting a 16% growth rate.

Additionally, LinkedIn, Twitch, and BeReal saw substantial spikes in usage, with growth rates of 20%, 29%, and an impressive 313%, respectively. This shift underscores the increasing influence of dynamic and interactive platforms among users.

Takeaways for 2024

Looking forward to 2024, the trajectory favors the ascent of real-time and engaging platforms, following the footsteps of TikTok, Twitch, and BeReal. LinkedIn, in particular, is anticipated to continue its growth trajectory, emerging as a crucial platform for B2B marketers due to the expanding presence of professionals. Its evolution into a central hub for business-to-business engagement suggests a widening scope for targeted marketing initiatives.

The momentum of dynamic platforms and the growing relevance of LinkedIn among professionals signal an ongoing transformation in social media preferences towards more interactive and business-oriented spaces.

63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets in the last year

In a notable trend, 63% of businesses have augmented their digital marketing budgets over the past year. This statistic underscores the growing recognition among businesses of the importance of digital marketing in reaching and engaging with their target audiences effectively.

By allocating more resources towards digital marketing initiatives, businesses aim to capitalize on the vast opportunities presented by online channels to enhance brand visibility, drive customer engagement, and ultimately boost sales and revenue.

Takeaways for 2024

In 2024, digital marketing is poised for continued growth and innovation. Businesses are increasing their digital marketing budgets, with small businesses leading the charge, indicating a recognition of the pivotal role digital channels play in reaching and engaging audiences.

The rise of dynamic platforms like TikTok and Twitch underscores a shift towards more interactive social media experiences, while the importance of personalisation and targeted marketing remains paramount. Marketers must also consider sustainability in their strategies and adapt to emerging technologies like AI and voice search. By prioritising measurement and optimisation, businesses can ensure the effectiveness of their campaigns in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Key Takeaways for 2024.

In conclusion, as we venture into 2024, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses worldwide. The five statistics highlighted previously shed light on the ever-increasing significance of web, SEO, and paid search strategies in marketing endeavours. These statistics not only offer valuable insights into user behaviour but also underscore the imperative for businesses to adapt and innovate in their digital marketing approaches.

From the dominance of mobile devices in web traffic to the widespread adoption of AI tools in marketing activities, the data points reveal essential trends shaping the industry. Google’s continued grip on the search engine market and the dynamic shifts in social media platform usage further emphasise the need for marketers to stay agile and responsive to changing consumer preferences.

As businesses navigate the digital landscape of 2024, the key takeaways underscore the importance of embracing mobile-friendly design, investing in SEO strategies, leveraging AI technologies, and tapping into emerging platforms for engagement. Additionally, the emphasis on personalisation, sustainability, and measurement remains critical for driving impactful marketing campaigns and achieving sustainable growth.

Ultimately, as businesses continue to increase their digital marketing budgets and adapt to the evolving digital landscape, those who remain proactive in leveraging data-driven insights and embracing innovative strategies will be best positioned to thrive in the dynamic and competitive digital marketplace of 2024 and beyond.